Saturday, November 19, 2011

Interlochen Center for the Arts

Interlochen Demo
My time at Interlochen was so fun and informative. Interlochen offered me the chance to work at a very well known and highly touted art camp. I had the opportunity to work with amazing people and amazing musicians. During my two summers at Interlochen, I recorded hundreds of concerts of every type of music from jazz to organ to orchestral, recording them in many ways including but not limited to spaced omni, XY stereo pair, close micing jazz bands, and spot micing orchestras. After I recorded them, I edited them down using Adobe Audition, and then produced many copies and labeled them and put a CD case together so that the children from the camp could buy them.

My time at Interlochen was wonderful, I learned the inner workings of a radio station as my main workspace was in Interlochen Public Radio's studio, I experienced amazing artists playing amazing music day in and day out, all around it was an excellent experience.